Thursday, August 11, 2016

Five for Friday!

What was my week like?  Hmmm!

1. Summer heat. Call me crazy but I love the heat we're getting in NY.  Yes it's sticky and gross, but it's summer and that's the way it's supposed to be.

2. Victory for Rescue dogs.  NJ just passed a bill that all new pet stores can only sell rescue dogs.  A small step but we're looking at the end of puppy mills!

3. Time for lunches.  I know a lot of you are back at school already, but I have a few weeks of summer left.  Yesterday, I went to work with my boyfriend and then lunch. It was a good day.

4.  I started my own Facebook Group, TpT Blogging Buddies.  So far, it's going well.  I think!

5. Fresh, raw oysters.


  1. Being able to enjoy lunch is something I'm really gonna miss about summer!! It's super humid in CT too but I'm not such a big fan!

    Teaching Voracious Learners

  2. How come you get such a long summer vacation? Did you finish later than other states? You need to try NZ oysters one day!
